Monday, November 28, 2016

Great week but little time so I´ll give a short recap.

Got to ride in a Porsche for 2 minutes and met a billionaire.

Got in a wreck in a taxi(nobody was hurt)

Elder Tovar and I were invited over for thanksgiving dinner and had sloppy joes and fried chicken

Had an awesome store contact with a lady who asked  us about our BOM and we taught her and its awesome!

I got to baptize a little kid of the less active family that we have been teaching for about a month and reactivated them!

Sorry for the short letter, I had written a longer one but may, or may not, have deleted it right after typing it up... I´m tired ok.

Thank you for the prayers! I love you all,
con amor,
Elder Fillmore

Monday, November 21, 2016

100 DAYS!!!

Nothing super cool this week so this week will be short. I´ll just include the highlights.

We had a lesson with our investigator Ximena and she said she really like the talks last week in church about divorce. It was super awkward though because her husband was in the same room and they have major problems. Hopefully we resolve those problems though and get Ximena to baptism!

We played soccer with a recent convert this week and he may or may not be semi pro. He´s crazy good and was running circles around us but it was a ton of fun and we played with a bunch of local kids too and had some awesome contacts.

We went to the biggest mall in Latin America and holy dang that thing was huge! Super cool and we were able to snag a few neat things and do some nice people watching.

Nothing else really happened this week and I would try to write more but another elder in the house (not going to say any names) is kicking me off to use the computer, I guess an hour isn´t sufficient for his needs and would like an additional 45. Thank you everyone for your prayers, I love you all! Have a great Thanksgiving!!

Mom, the bird look familiar?!
(We have the smaller version of that exact brass eagle in our home. We named him Hershall and he is older than Ethan -SF)

Con amor,
Elder Fillmore

Oh ya and I also hit my 100 day mark so that was cool.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Rain and Trump


     It rained almost everyday this week and was overcast all week. It was nice except for the first time it rained because we had no umbrellas and got soaked but after that we were always prepared. Also about everyone and their mother talked to us about trump this week and how he won and all that stuff so that was a good conversation starter on the buses.
This week started off slow with Elder Tovar and Elder Burbidge being gone Tuesday and Thursday and part of Wednesday. Elder Carr and I were able to have some good lessons without them though. We even got to teach a lesson in English! There's a guy we met named Constantine from Chicago and we taught him this week. It´s weird teaching in English because all we do is practice in Spanish and sometimes it´s hard to find the words say. We also went on a contacting role and we just talked to everyone and we set up a lot of future visits. 
         Friday was great. We had a baptism. We've been trying to reactivate a less active family and they've been coming lately so we were able to baptize their son! Tovar baptized him and Elder Santacruz and I got to be witnesses.
        Saturday was interesting to say the least. So after a long day of work and lots of walking we finally got home around 9 and were getting ready for bed when all heck broke loose. Elder Carr shot Tovar with the squirt bottle so then Tovar attacked Carr and stole the squirt bottle and started spraying Carr and Burbidge. Then Burbidge proceeded to grab baby powder and start throwing it at Tovar so then Tovar grabbed his own baby powder and started doing the same. Next thing you know there's a nice baby powder mist throughout the whole house and a layer of it over EVERYTHING. Battle is over right? Nope. Far from it. Elder Burbidge grabbed an egg from the fridge and nailed Elder Tovar so then Tovar chased him in to the bathroom (which was being used at the time by Elder Carr) and started throwing more baby powder. Then Tovar went and got two eggs of his own and started pelting them at Burbidge. The house smelt and continues to smell like eggs now. Awesome. And believe it or not but I actually didn't do anything! I was the angel in the whole situation, which i mean, isn't saying much. I just sat there really and laughed. But Ya what a night.  I don't expect to see anything like that again during the mission. 
        Sunday we went to church and Ximena came with us! It was a conference of sorts for all of mexico and we got to listen to Russell M. Nelson, Robert D. Hales, and a few other church leaders and it was really cool.
        Ya that was my week. Everything is going great and I´m loving it here. My spanish is coming along slowly but surely. Thank you everyone for the prayers! I love you all!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Sorry but today has been pretty busy day so don´t expect much detail from this email that I try to throw together in these next 5 minutes.

Dia de los muertos was this past week and kids constantly asked us for candy and when you´re a baller on a budget like myself you don´t have candy to give. So we crushed the hopes and dreams of these little kids when they asked for candy and we had to beg for their forgiveness as we told them we had none. It was like in Mosiah 4:24 when it says "I give not because I have not, but if I had I would give".

So we found out that every Tuesday and Thursday for the next month Elder Tovar and Elder Burbide will be gone so Elder Carr and I will work together a lot this month. Other than that, this week we just contacted a ton and got a bunch of new investigators.

I´m sorry for the short email! Thank you everyone for the prayers! Miss you all!

Con amor,
Elder Fillmore