Monday, December 26, 2016

¡Feliz Navidad!

Home sweet Home
 With President and our matching ties
Christmas Eve dinner...sushi!
FELIZ NAVIDAD!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I´m doing great and I love it here! This week we were blessed with 11 new investigators and a family of 7! I´m excited to see them progress in these upcoming weeks and I pray we can get them to be baptized! I don't have a lot of time but as promised, here are some fotos! Thank you everyone, I love you all!

Con amor, Elder Fillmore

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve Skype

It was so great to talk to you all!! Let me say though, fastest hour of my life! I wish I could've said more but I´ll have to wait until May. You all look so great! Thanks for letting Ashlyn come! It was great to see her too! I wish it was cold here! It´s like 80 almost 90 degrees here still and I sweat my face off some days! I miss you so much mom but i know I´ll see you soon! It´s flying by! I´m doing great here so don't worry! I love you mom!!!!!!<3 Have a great new year!

Elder Fillmore

Monday, December 19, 2016

Long week, Little time

This week was crazy. So My new comp is Elder Morales and he´s from Guatemala and he´s great! But this week we got to our new area and its tough. The ward here has been without a bishop for almost a year now. Their year mark is in January. There is also tons of inactive members and this week there was only about 40 members in sacrament. All week we just contacted and knocked doors because we have no investigators so we have plenty of empty time in our agendas. So we contact like crazy. We have got 5 new investigators this week though and I feel really good about all of them!
This week, Elder Morales and I spoke in sacrament and that was pretty cool. We spoke on the atonement and also the birth of Christ and I think it went pretty well. Then after, a member asked me ¿ da la clase del principios del evangelio? but what i heard was ¿Va al clase del principios del evangelio? She asked me if i was giving the class but i heard if i was going to the class. So i said yes unknowingly and it wasn't until we got to the class and she asked me what i was teaching that i had realized that i had made a mistake. But yeah, an hour later i finished my lesson on agency and it went better than I thought it was going to. But yeah that was a lot of our week, stuff just happening to us unplanned and it all went well. 
i wish I could write more but time is very limited. And sorry but no photos this week because I left my camera at home. I miss everyone and love you all. Thanks for everything! Have a great christmas!!!
Con amor,
Elder Fillmore

Monday, December 12, 2016

Celaya is sick and so am I

Sorry for the short email this week but we have to hurry over to the bus station to pick up our new companions soon! I´ll try to give a short recap of my week.
So Ceyala didn´t give me the welcoming I wouldve liked and I was sick all day Tuesday. Throwing up all night and all day (once at a members house) and I spent the rest of the week feeling under the weather and eating an awesome diet of crackers and gatorade. The good thing though is at this rate I wont have to worry about gaining weight on my mission.
Thursday I went to Queretaro for a training meeting at Presidents house and that was cool. Got to see my MTC companion, Elder Harmon there. We´re both training now so thats pretty sweet. Then that night we went to a Christams play. Our whole zone went and we helped set up and direct people in to their seats. It was a packed house and afterwards we gave out pass a long cards to everysingle person. Really cool and great night for contacting. Below is a picture of sorts, it was a packed house.
Sunday night we went caroling with Bishop and some members from the ward and it was really cool to see how happy people were when they saw us. It´s nice to spread the Christmas spirit.
My new greenie gets here in about an hour and then training begins. I know it´ll be tough but I know that Lord will help me. Thank you everyone for the prayers. I love you all!
Con amor,
Elder Fillmore

Monday, December 5, 2016

Transfer Time and Training

Sorry for the short email last week, this one will be short as well, unfortunately. We got our changes yesterday and I am now in Celaya! It´s about an hour away from my last area and apparently a lot more dangerous. I´ll be opening an area called Laureles and it´s supposed to be chollo central. So don´t expect much pictures in the coming weeks because I was warned to leave my camera at home if I want it to last. On top of all that, I will also be training! I don´t know my new companion, he gets here next week. So in the mean time I´m staying with Elder Bandala. He´s from Veracruz, Mexico, and is 26 years old. Pretty cool dude. I´m super stoked for this opportunity and although I feel totally inadequate with my Spanish I know that the Lord will provide a way for me to accomplish the things which he has commanded. Thank you everyone for the prayers. I´ll try to send a better email next week! Love you all!

Con amor,